SUGAR by Shanna: Custom Cakes & Cupcakes in Katy

Your baker/owner (Shanna) isn't kidding when she says she "customizes for your occasion"... it's all heart backed by talent in bringing the "love of cake" tied perfectly to your themed event.

I had SUGAR make cupcakes for my birthday... and asked if she could incorporate my cup-cakey-ness into the adornments... she was spot on in presenting me with the candles and miniature fondant cupcakes ON my cupcakes. What an oooh-ahhh moment.

Is Fondant good?

Here are common responses to that:
"EWWW, looks great but tastes awful, Yuck, gross, icky"

Well... SUGAR by Shanna has a little secret... the fondant on her cupcakes/cakes is a tasty treat :-) Fun, Flavorful, Fudgy, Fondant!!!!! Fantastic :-)

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the cream cheese frosting on my order of Red Velvet (birthday) Cupcakes was classic... epic... reminding me of the ever-popular growing requests for "frosting shots" in many bakeries. I never got that. Nope. Until I had hers! The frosting was creamcheesy colossal... and forking my way through I was met with the bonus of the "frosting shot" held within.

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